更新时间:2024-06-01 15:51:38
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dear margarita,

  i am just lying here,looking at your pictures,wishing for the day you and i meet,hoping and praying to god that our lord brings us together expediently。

  i sit here pondering what life will be with you beside me。 sharing our thoughts and ideas towards what the future holds。 you and i are hundreds of miles apart。 yet i feel as if you are here right beside me watching me as i write this letter。 your passion spans distances unforeseen by the naked eye,reaching me in ways i never thought possible。 your spirit soars above me,watching over me like a protective angel。 your heart beats in unison with mine growing stronger and with fuller life with each passing moment。

  margarita,i know i have made the right choice in proclaiming my love for you。 i have no fears and no regrets and i live for the day we are together for the first time。 i owe you an apology also for questioning you。 i promise you,i will not question your intentions any more。 you have proven to me your love for me is stronger and greater than distances never reached。

  margarita,i love you。 i am in love with you;i open my heart to you。 i ask that you take my heart and treat it as if it is your own。

  all my love,




  I miss you so much already and I haven't even left yet!


  I'll think of you every step of the w


  Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for y


  Passionate love is a quenchless thir


  The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's hea


  Every day without you is like a book without pag


  Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out


  Love is a light that never di


  May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flig


  She who has never loved, has never liv


  Life is the flower for which love is the hon


  No words are necessary between two loving hear


  Precious things are very few in this wor That is the reason there is just one y


  You make my heart smi


  1.You are everything to me,and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me.


  2.Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful.I miss you,and miss you so much……


  3.I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about,too,I miss you.


  4.If I could rearrange the alphabet,I’d put Y and I together.


  5.Do you understand the feeling of missing someone?It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.


  6.There are 4 steps to happiness:1you 2me 3our hearts 4together.


  7.Love you so I don`t wanna go to sleep,for reality is better than a dream.


  8.It’s not being in love that makes me happy,but is being in loving with you.


  9.Do you have a map?Because I just keep losing in your eyes.


  10.I feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away.



  I want to be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye. —— 我要成为你最心动的相遇,最不舍的离别。


  Love someone not because they give you what you need. Love them because they give you feelings you never thought you needed. —- 爱上某人,不是因为他给了你需要的.东西,而是因为他给了你从未有过的感觉。

  Believe is one kind of love. For loving you, so I believe you —- 信任也是一种爱。爱你,所以相信你。

  Being nice to someone you Dislike doesn’t mean you’re a Fake. It means you’re Mature enough to Tolerate your dislike towards them.能够善待不太喜欢的人,并不代表你虚伪,而意味着你内心成熟到可以容纳这些不喜欢。

  Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.—-William Shakespeare 爱一切,相信一部分,不要伤害任何人或事。—-莎士比亚

  Some disappointment is inevitable, but most of the disappointed, because of you overestimate themselves. 有些失望是不可避免的,但大部分的失望,都是因为你高估了自己。——张小娴

  Someday you will understand, were the first to love yourself. —-总有一天你会明白,人首先要爱自己。


  Dear ayo,seriously, babes, i love you because i have never been loved by anyone the way you love me. i feel like a complete woman. i love your patient manner, your generous nature, your hands on my body, particularly when you hold me when i am sleeping. when you hold me i believe that nothing can harm me. i love your genuine kindness to others and i hope bubu takes after you in this respect (well, to a certain extent). i love your eyes and your lips, i love your sense of self worth, your calming nature, your social ability, your daniel-like talent, your firm bum, your smooth back and strong arms. you are my distant friend of late but i know our closeness will be reunited very soon.

  i am missing you terribly; i feel incomplete without you and want you here now!

  love always,funmi(omoge)


  老爸一直以追到有校花之称的老妈而自豪,但每次讲到俘获老妈芳心的致命关键的一封英文情书,老妈都笑的前俯后仰,经过我们一再催逼,老妈终于拿出老爸当年写给她的情书,看了真的是oh!my god!很有一套喔!

  dear wang litte sister:亲爱的王小姐

  from see you one eye, i shit love you.自从看到你的第一眼,我就爱上你

  your eyes close, i die; your eyes open, i come back to live.

  your eyes close and open again and again,i die again and again.


  maybe you do not remember me, no matter. when you carefully look at me, you will one see clock feelings.


  i think l should introduce myself to you.


  i call li big great. toyear 25


  my home have four mouth people-papa, mama, i and dd.


  i am a good man, in a big company work.


  i do early f u c k every day, so that i can have strong body to protect you.


  (做早操叫做do early f u c k,晕!第一次听说)

  please come to eat and sleep with me, or i will cut my hair to be a monk, and find a place where many monks live in to over my life



  like your people



  Dear Randy Bear,

  Having your love, has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. Everyday, when I awake from a dream of us together, I thank God I found you! What have I ever done to deserve such a loving, caring, wonderful man? Everything about you is just so perfect. I know you are not without imperfections, but in my eyes, everything you do just seems so flawless. The way you express your love to me is so awesome!! I feel so loved! I need only to think of you to have all my troubles melt away. I want to spend my whole life with you, loving you and receiving your love in return. XOXOXOXOXO I long to hold you and feel your sweet caress. The miles that lie between us will soon disappear, and we will have each other always. I don't care what others say about you and me. All I know is that I love you, and that will never change. Randy, sweet, Randy, Thank you for loving me the way you do. I couldn't ask for more in a man!

  Unconditionally Yours,

  Your Hunny Bunny, Svenia


  my wonderful girl: (darling, sweetheart, beloved, honey darling, my precious, my angel, my adored, my dearest darling, my morning star, my lovely wife, my own dear girl, my dearest creature. …… )i cannot tell you how much your letter has delighted me. from this i can know that you had accept my apologies. i can't tell you how much your letter relieved me. thank you, dear, for writing so promptly! in reply, i express my hearty thanks. because of not called you those days, i have been suffering agonies of remove ever since. i hope that my unforgivable stupidly hasn't ruined our friendship for all time.i have so many things to tell you that i hardly know where to begin. there is nothing more difficult for a matter-of-fact-engineer like me than to write a letter that will tell how much you mean to me. let's not let a little misunderstanding come between us. you are still young and beautiful in my calendar, and the extra year that seems indeed to have improved you looks. may you happy every day and always keep that loveliness and charm which god gave you. you are the dearest thing in the world. you 're wonderful, terrific and tops. i know a lot of logarithms and axioms, but not the language of love. i want this letter to be beautiful and poetic, but all i can say, and what comes from the bottom of my heart is not i love you, but you are the only one i want.my love, i love you ever since receive your first letter. and i would never have had the courage to write you if our talks and our wonderful times during these past few months hadn't held the promise that you care for me as deeply as i for you.your letter fills my days with sunshine and happiness. right now having just reread your letters, i feel as if you were here. if you only knew how happy your letters make me! this last one is especially interesting--just the kind of letter i love to get from you--all about your work at school, and your friends. what a treat to receive your letter! you always write such interesting news! it's a wonderful letter, almost like having you here in the room with me for a little while!how i love you! each hour i am away from you seems an eternity. rising in the morning, my first thought is of you, and all day i'm conscious that you are near. your presence seems to in habit all the air around, and your nearness is a never-ending delight. i've thought of you so many, many times during these busy months. i think of you always and have a thousand things to say to you, but they can all be summed up in a few heartfelt words--i love you to distraction.i am waiting for learn that you have successfully passed the national entrance examination for colleges and universities this year.


  My guardian angel,I've never felt a hurt like this where it feels as though someone had stuck a knife through my heart. I can barely breathe knowing that I can't hold you, hug you, and kiss you. The fact that you are not within a distance to me that I can easily reach, hurts. I've missed you so badly the moment you were out of my sight. I choked on tears and could not manage to breathe. I do not know how I am going to live without you here to hold and to hold me.

  I love you so much that neither words nor actions could express my feelings for you. I could spend the rest of my life describing how much I love you and it still would not come close to the way I really feel. I could die for you and it still could not possibly show my love and feelings for you in proportion to which I feel them.

  Since after christmas I had this sensation at the back of my mind and at the very pit of my stomach where it stayed so well hidden that I could not even acknowledge it. As Easter drew near, I could finally recognize the heavy feeling of dread. This feeling became more heavily embedded after Easter and as time went on, closer to my departure date, the sensation increasingly became more intense. Now my worst fears, my fears of losing you, have become a reality. And it hurts, it hurts like hell. I feel sick, I tremble, I cannot breathe, and tears constantly blur my vision. I do not know how to handle this pain - this knife in the heart feeling of loss. without you I feel alone and cold. I feel so small and helpless. You cave my life, you made my whole and without you, I am nothing. The fears that I now have is that I will forget the little things, though I pray I never will. I am afraid that I will forget the way you feel, the way you taste, and your smell. The little things that I love so much, I am afraid that I will forget them. And I do not want to, I so do not want to.

  Now I know why we are here. I know why we live. It's because once you find someone you love and care for so dearly, where you would give up anything and everything for them, you found purpose in your life that makes it worth living. You are my purpose and I do not know what to do without you. How a few hours could change a life! I continue to cry, and I will continue for a long time, and when my eyes cease to produce more tears, my heart will continue to cry for you every day, forever, because I will think of you every day, every hour, every second within a minute. I do not think I would prevent that if I wanted to. I cannot stop my heart from crying crimson tears of blood. And it does bleed. It bleeds because of the pain I feel from losing you. I know that I will never really lose you because you will always be in my heart, but that does not stop me from missing you. And feeling desperate with the need to hug and kiss you and be in your arms. That is where I wish I could stay forever, in your arms. my heart beats for you now and forever. Before, when I was with you, it beat happily, hopefully, but now it beats longingly. Longing to have you with me, and that longing cannot be easily or quickly smothered, and I do not want to smother it. You will always have a permanent place in my heart. I will never forget you, How could I? I need you more than anything. You are my life support.

  Although I hate what has been done to us, being torn apart from one another, I will always be happy for the time I had you with me. I will treasure each moment in my heart and be thankful for the little, precious time we had together. I love you so much, so very much and I always will. Please do not forget that. It is important to me that you never forget that.

  one image of us that I have found immense comfort in when I recall it is us on your bed. I am holding you, our bodies so close to each other that you could feel the beating of our hearts. You with one arm beneath my head and your other hand playing with my hair. our legs are intertwined and you are telling me one of your stories. I miss you so much. And I know that it is only going to get worse with time, not better. I do not know if my heart will ever heal. It has been shattered too badly. god, I love you. I miss you so much. my life was lonely and cold. when I meet you, you caused the loneliness to vanish and melted the cold with your warmth and love. I can never repay the feeling you gave me with your love or the happiness you bring me, but I can, and will, love you with all my heart forever.

  These words have not been written down in any particular order so it might be hard for you to understand what I am trying to say, but know this at least… without you, I feel hollow and unfinished. You complete me. I need you. I love you more than anything … more than myself.

  Te quiero mas que a nada,Te quiero mucho, mucho, mucho,Love always,Nina


  Dear friend,

  I don'tknow how to express my feeling to you, we have been knowing each other about 3 months, but I can't tell you my feeling. Exactly, I like you from this first meeting. Wishing you will accept my feeling after telling you I like you. Do you understand I am shy to say I like. But I still encourage myself to tell you.

  Looking forward to hearing from you soon!







  To: Shortie ~ From: Nate

  Dear Shortie,

  Look, I don't know where to start. I love you. I have loved you since as long as I can remember, Shortie. I guess the first time I told was when I realized how much you meant to me. We have known each other for years. Once we got together, I couldn't believe how good things were going. It was too good to be true. It was perfect in the beginning. I loved you, and you loved me. I felt like that's the way it should still be.

  I didn't want you to leave - honestly, I didn't. If I could go back, I'd beg you to stay by my side. To know you'd be miles away was breaking my heart, but I wanted you to be happy. I wanted you to make a good future for yourself, for us. Now that I think about it, how could I have let you go? What was I thinking then? Look what has happened.

  I know we've been through the toughest of times. And because of that I think we are stronger than we thought. We lasted a good while. I'm so incredibly sorry for everything that I did wrong. I wish you could just tell me, and I would change it all. But, you know that neither of us were innocent when it came to hurting each other.

  When I said I would marry you, I meant it. I wanted to live my entire life loving you. We could have grown old together. I know you wanted that. It would have been great. But what happened to us, Shortie? Where did we go wrong? Wasn't our love untouchable? Wasn't it strong? I sit and think, and the only thing that best explains it is that we needed to be together physically. Having you in one state and me in another was unbearable. Although, I wanted to be with you so badly, I also have school and my life here. If I could go back I'd probably leave with you when I had the chance. Would things be better now or is this the way it is supposed to be?

  All I know is we may not be together now or maybe not ever again. But I want you to know that you are someone I will never ever forget. I loved you, and still love, and will always love you, no ma

  etter what. We've been through a lot. But that love is still there. I hope you find happiness. I hope all your dreams come true. You deserve a lot.

  I feel very lucky to have had the chance to experience the love we once had. It's something I will forever cherish. Please don't forget it. I know things aren't the best now, but at least we still have our friendship. That's where it all started. I just ask for one thing; be happy, and know that I'm happy. I will always think of you.

  Love always,

  Lucky Angel


  Dear Jennifer,Hey Beautiful, I just wanted to do something simple to say I love you and to put that smile I love so much back on your face. I want everyone to know how much you mean to me. Ever since you have entered my life, I've been flying on Cloud 9 and I have not come down yet.

  I tell you this everyday, but you are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out and I see that more clearly with each passing day. I love everything about you, about us. You do something to me that no other has, you have made me so happy, the happiest I've ever been. You give me the most amazing feelings inside, the feeling of being in love with you.

  I still don't know what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life, my dream come true... I am so thankful though. In this short time that we've been together, we have grown so much and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you, Jennifer, with all my heart and soul, always and forever!

  Love always,Kia


Dear Mine:

  Just for one reason, I love you so much.

  Nothing is impossible to a willing mind, love included.

  Therefore, day after day, I wonder why, I wonder how, I wonder where you are.

  Time to go, I want to tell you how much I feel, and how much I love you.

  When I think of you, the miles between us disappear.

  Seeing you will cause me an indescribable thrill, even at the sight of your handwriting will make me tremble.

  And the wonderful times we shared together shall always remain in my heart.

  You are my little angel. Just having you close fills me with love and hope; nothing is impossible by your side.

  It is only when I nearly lose you that I become fully conscious of how much I value you.

  Accordingly, I would say, “I love you” for millions and billions of times, and times and times again.

  Everything comes and goes, but love stays. When you need someone, remember that I’d be there.

  If I were in heaven, I’d write your name on every star for all to see just how much you mean to me.

  No matter how long the road may be in the future, please cherish every moment we shared together.

  No matter how many years will pass away, please treasure our love till the last day.

  Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.


  你知道, 每个早晨当我醒来的时候, 第一件事物我必须做想到你。

  你知道 , 每个夜晚当我上床睡觉的时候, 我仅仅只去我的梦被埋首于想念你。

  当我袖手旁观我的窗户的时候, 总是有我想要对你倒的这么多字。

  但是我知道我有太少时间做这。 即使你每个夜晚在教室中只有少数步骤之远在我旁边坐下,我必须控制我感觉。

  此外,像这一封信,虽然我不愿表达这一种方式的我的情绪, 但是我没有时间和没有选择选择。我知道你是一个胆怯的女孩, 你需要时间使你自己配合彻底地接受我和我们的爱。

  但是, 对于我的部份, 我总是渴望获得交谈式,确定的和稳定的爱充满的'强烈感情尽快地。

  因此我, 也许疏忽你感觉,和你在手臂中总是为步行手臂想喝,甚至有热拥抱的一个奢侈希望, 使一个亲密的吻相等。

  也许这面对爱只是男孩和女孩之间的不同。再一次, 所有我的忧虑不是适当的到害怕你将会对其他人的你的心改变, 至少, 它现在似乎是没有对抗我的对手, 但是适当的烦恼我无法在我一定尽力完成我的梦的这个特别的时期带快乐给你。


  我希望你可以为它表示你的理解和同情。我有一个梦天我们可以一起没有想到任何的烦恼停留, 每天仅仅平静地而且温和地停留一起整个,看一些电影或者听一些音乐像我们一样的很多喜欢。

  我的如此字的目的被让你知道我爱你多少,我想要和你分享多少快乐!我相信视野对于治疗, 虽然仍然远, 比较明亮!


  Everyday, every n I finally meet the right guy and he's not available. I'm in love with you but I can't be with you.

  But, I've got to tell you, for the first time in months I can finally smile because although you didn't say much the last time you called I knew you still cared.

  You can keep on denying it, you can keep hiding from it, but trust me you are only lying to yourself. Everyday I ask myself why … why do I feel this way? Why can't I stop loving you? Then it dawned on me … you put voodoo on me! Just kidding.

  Before I go I want you to know that you will always have a special place in my heart, and like I've said many times before, I do not regret anything we've done. The only thing I regret is you telling me you love me because since then you have given me nothing but the cold shoulders.

  Please don't be scared, I want nothing but your friendship, well … I do want more but I am willing to settle. I am not trying to make you feel bad or push you further away. I am just trying to make you understand what's in my heart.










  Dear dinesh,

  It has not been but a short time of getting to knoeone from every man. eone he eone as amazing as you. You have touched my heart in so many ent ent, my mind, but still everyday I e people call it crazy, some call it insane, but I call it true love. I really love you, Baby Bear.

  Love Alplete an. i love your patient manner, your generous nature, your hands on my body, particularly plete oge)









