更新时间:2024-09-18 08:41:41
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  hi! Hello, I am your tour guide xiao Lin, today by I lead you to visit the world cultural heritage, beautiful scenery of the Summer Palace, we hope you have a good time, play fun.

  Now we have been to the Summer Palace, the Summer Palace formerly qingyi park, built qing dynasty emperor qianlong fifteen years as AD 1750, Beijing in the qing dynasty, is the famous "three mountains five gardens" built in the last one. Also is one of China's four big gardens, on March 4, 1961, the Summer Palace was announced as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units, in August 1998 was rated as the world cultural heritage, the Summer Palace on May 8, 20xx by the national tourism administration approval for the state 5 a-class tourist scenic spot.

  The Summer Palace gates, around the hall, came to the famous promenade. The promenade is 720 meters long, divided into 273 rooms, each cross on the sill between painted with colorful painting, painting the character, the grass, the landscape, as well as some historical stories and myths and legends.

  Tourists now here we are at the foot of longevity hill, you look at that whether there is a three layer architecture of anise pyramid stand that is halfway up the mountain, buddhist incense under the rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, is to go to the temple.

  From down is kunming lake and longevity hill kunming lake has 270 square meters, the center of kunming lake there is a small island, visitors just walked through the long stone bridge to the island to play, this bridge seventeen holes, called the marble seventeen-arch bridge which. On the marble seventeen-arch bridge which has hundreds of pillar, each pillar are carved with a lion cub. You come look, the little lion, like hunting on the vast grasslands. The lion is also very interesting, buried his head, as if in to enjoy the "dinner". Children to look at, the lion stare big eyes, like in the appreciation of the beauty of the Summer Palace?

  The Summer Palace, everywhere has the beauty of the scene, I also said today (Monday). Below please free to enjoy, to protect the environment, cannot destroy public property, if visitors have with children care for their children in order to avoid loss, separated, 12 noon on 17th bridge collection.

  Today's tourism so far, hope to the Summer Palace today journey left eternal memory in our trip to Beijing. I sincerely wish you all a happy travel! The tourists, goodbye!


  The Summer Palace is located on the northwest outskirts of Beijing. It is the best-preserved and largest imperial garden existing in China. The Summer Palace is formed mainly with Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake. The lake occupies three quarters of the whole area. It covers an area of over 290 hectares.

  The Summer Palace was first built as an imperial garden and palace at the beginning of 12th century in the Jin Dynasty, the construction continued to the Yuan and Ming dynasties and the palace was enlarged in the Qing Dynasty, thus, altogether lasting for more than 800 years. In the Jin Dynasty, the Golden Hill Hall was built here. In the Yuan Dynasty, the name of the hill was changed to Jar Hill because it was said that an old man had dug up a jar here. In the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Zhengde built the Wonderful Imperial Garden by the lake. In the Qing Dynasty during the reign of Emperor Qianlong, large-scale construction of imperial gardens reached its culmination. The whole project was named the Three Hills and Five Garden of Clear Ripples. In 1860 the Anglo-French Allied Forces invaded Beijing and the Three Hills and Five Gardens were burnt down to ashes. In 1888 Empress Dowager Cixi diverted the funds for navy to restore the Garden of Clear Ripples and renamed it as the Summer Palace. In 1900 the Allied Forces of Eight Powers invaded Beijing and occupied the Summer Palace for more than a year. The Summer Palace was plundered by the invaders. They took away everything valuable and destroyed the buildings. Upon Empress Dowager Cixi's return to Beijing, she ordered the garden to be rebuilt immediately. When reconstruction to Beijing, she ordered the garden to be rebuilt immediately. When reconstruction was completed, Empress Dowager Cixi came to live in this imperial garden from April to October every year for the rest of her life. In 1924 the Summer Palace was turned into a public park. The East Palace Gate is the main entrance to the Summer Palace. The central gate called the Imperial Gateway was for the emperor and the empress. The gates on either side were for princes and high-ranking officials. The plaque above the middle gate bears three big Chinese characters “The Summer Palace” in Emperor Guangxu's handwriting.

  Entering the East Palace Gate, we will see the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity. It's the second gate in the palace area. Inside the gate, there is 3-meter-high giant rock. The rock serves as a decoration and it was transported from Taihu Lake in Jiangsu Province, so it is called Taihu Rock. Now we have come to the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity. The hall was the place where Emperor Guangxu and Empress Dowager Cixi held audience and handled state affairs when they were in the Summer Palace. In front of the hall stands a bronze mythical animal called Suanni. It is believed that the Suanni was able to distinguish the right from wrong. In the center of the hall there is a platform with a throne on it. The throne was carved with a nine-dragon design, symbolizing dignity of the emperor. There are four incense burners at each corner of the platform with a throne on it. The throne was held, sandalwood incenses were burnt in the incense burners, giving out fragrant smoke. There are two fans on both sides behind the throne which are made of peacock feathers. In front of the throne there are incense burners of dragon and phoenix shapes and candlesticks of crane shape. The two big mirrors on the left and right of the throne against the wall was for warding off evil spirits. There are two scrolls on the wall, one on each side, with a big Chinese character meaning longevity, in Empress Dowager Cixi's handwriting and the 100 bats in the background of the scroll symbolize happiness.

  The Hall of Jade Ripples used to be the place where Qing Emperor Qianlong spent his leisure hours with his ministers. Later it was Emperor Guangxu's pricate living quarters and also the place where he was once under house arrest after 1898.

  Walking along the corridor at the two side of the Hall of Jade Ripples, we will see the back word the Hall of Pleasing Rue where the empress Longyu lived.

  The Garden of Virtuous Harmony is also called the Great Theatre Building. It was the place where Peking Opera was performed for Empress Dowager Cixi. The building is a three-storey structure, 21 meters high and 17 meters wide on the lowest floor. There are trapdoors above and below the stage for “fairies” to descend from the sky and “devils” to rise up from the underneath. The Make-up Tower is connected with the stage. It was the place for the performers to make up and now it has become an exhibition hall.

  To the northwest of the Hall of Pleasing Rue is the Hall of Happiness and Longevity. It was Empress Dowager Cixi's residence. In the courtyard there is a huge rock named “Qing Zhi Xiu”。 It looks like a magic fungus, glossy with a greenish and smooth surface. In front of this hall there are pairs of bronze deer, bronze cranes, bronze cases and big water vats, symbolizing universal peace. In addition, there are many precious trees and flowers planed here, representing riches and honor, or wealth and prestige. The hall consists of four chanbers. The east out chamber was for her breakfast and tea. The east inner chamber was her dressing room. The west inner room was her bedroom and the west outer room was her reading room. A large table in the central hall served as a dinning table for Empress Dowager Cixi. A big porcelain jar on each side was used to contain fruits to produce fragrant smell. There are two embroideries in the central hall. One is of a peacock displaying its full plumage, the other is of a phoenix amony 100 birds. The chandeliers hanging from the ceiling of the hall were presented by the Germans. It was the first electric light in China and electric light has been used since then.


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